
Best Sites For Selling Your Content - OnlyFans Review

Are you looking to start your career as online content creator? Or maybe you are already established in the adult industry but are looking for new platforms on which to sell your premium content to eager fans? Whichever one of these you are, OnlyFans could be a great option for you!

Check out our OnlyFans review below to find out the reasons why you should use OnlyFans, the disadvantages of OnlyFans… and also a bunch of commonly asked OnlyFans questions that could help you to decide if this is the right platform for your journey!

So what is OnlyFans? 

OnlyFans is platform for creators to post their content online and then make it available to subscribers either for a monthly subscription fee, or for free. Whilst OnlyFans was not strictly made for adult content creators, it has largely been adopted by the adult industry and has forged a reputation as one of the main players for creators who are looking to sell their content online by themselves.

How does OnlyFans work?

OnlyFans is a pretty simple platform – creators (who must be 18 years of age or older) sign up and once they have completed the verification process, can then begin to upload content and set a monthly subscription fee that can range from $0-50, for anyone who wishes to view the content.

Creators can also make additional money from their platform by receiving money from tips, going live, or even charging to chat in their DMs with eager subscribers.

How much does OnlyFans charge?

OnlyFans is absolutely free to sign up, so anyone wishing to sell content on there, or even just interested in checking it out, can do so for absolutely nothing!

So how does OnlyFans make money? Well they take a cut of all of a creators’ earnings on the platform – so if you charge for example $10 per month to each subscriber, you will net $8 of this, meanwhile OnlyFans will pocket the remaining $2 as a platform fee to cover the expenses, and of course to make a profit! It might sound like a lot, but 20% is the industry standard fee for such platforms.

So should I sign up to OnlyFans, or find another site similar to OnlyFans?

This is a topic of much debate – how does OnlyFans compare to other similar sites such as Admire Me, and which one should I join?!

There are many pros to joining OnlyFans, but there are some cons too. However, the same goes for any other similar platform and so it really does come down to which one suits your personal preferences the most. Make sure to check out our AdmireMe review if you’d like to compare the 2 sites in more detail!

However, to make things a little easier, we have compiled some of the main pros and cons of using OnlyFans below:

Pros of OnlyFans

➤ OnlyFans is probably the most well-known platofrm in the world when it comes to selling your own adult content; and this means potential buyers are usually very familiar with the platform too which could persuade them to subscribe.

➤ The platform is easy to use and won’t take too much getting used to.

➤ The high volume of users means that there is always someone available to answer any technical questions you may have about how to use platform, or any other queries related to your journey on OnlyFans. If you Join Our Free Community, there are plenty of fellow creators who can answer your questions!

Cons of OnlyFans

➤ OnlyFans is owned by a large corporation which may at times lead to them making business decisions which aren’t necessarily in the favour of creators, and are more in favour of their own profits. An example of this is when in 2020 they made changes to their referral scheme in which many creators had used for additional revenue.

➤ You cannot tag content with searchable terms, and there is no search feature on the home page for potential subscribers to find you – instead you must direct them straight to your page via whichever means you get traffic, e.g. your social media pages, dating apps etc, etc. It would be nice if the site itself could provide some additional traffic.

➤ Many users in our community have reported that their support system has been quite slow to respond in many situations.

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