Physics Teacher from Scotland Making More Money On OnlyFans


Kirtsy Buchan, a former teacher at Bannerham High School in Glasgow, has resigned from her role as a physics teacher to do OnlyFans (as well as revealing that she plans to still offer some private tutoring) after her secret career on the adult entertainment website OnlyFans was discovered. 

Miss Buchan claims to have brought in nearly 1000 followers in just 5 days, earning her, from subscriptions alone, roughly £8,100. Jessjack69 (OnlyFans name) revealed that this is more than 4 times greater than what she was making (take-home) as a teacher, where she taught physics at Bannerman High in Glasgow. 

A large part of her quick rise in subscriptions has been credited to the large amount of publicity she has received since she resigned from her school teacher position following disciplinary proceedings starting against her from council bosses. 

Miss Buchan said  “I’ve had amazing support from so many people, including pupils I have tutored. “One of them sent me a lovely message saying he would be standing by me and I’ll be delighted to keep that going with physics as a sideline to the other job but I’m very grateful that I’m still wanted.”

Since all the new recent publicity started her subscriptions have risen fast. 

She said: “I woke up on Thursday to 200 subscribers and it has quickly gone up to almost 800 within a day, so I hope it keeps going. “I’m getting messages from people in America, telling me to stick to my guns. It’s all happened very fast and it has been stressful but I’m focusing on the positives.”

Kirsty has revealed no regrets about her decision to join OnlyFans, saying “It’s my body, my choice. If they’ve got a problem it’s because they can’t do it themselves. Honestly, no one can make you feel inferior without your consent. You don’t have to look but thanks for the publicity.”

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