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How Often Should I Post On My OnlyFans / AdmireMe / Premium Snapchat?

How often should I upload on OnlyFans?!” is one of the most common questions we’ve encountered, and the question applies across the board too if you’re using another platform such as AdmireMe or premium Snapchat.

We’ve spoken to many buyers about this to gain an insight into what sort of upload schedule is expected from a subscriber’s point-of-view, PLUS we’ve gained feedback from active models in our creators only community about what sort of upload schedule has delivered the most success for the them!

From the subscriber’s perspective, what we’ve found is hardly too surprising; more is better! The more NEW content a person is gaining access to for their money, the more likely they are to see their subscription fee as being value for money. Now that’s not to say you have to post too often, as 2-3 times a week seems to be largely satisfactory to most subscribers – just realise that if you are posting less often than that then some buyers might start to think that they can get more for their money elsewhere.


New content is always KEY on OnlyFans and other sites like it!

Once you’ve built up a nice collection of content on your OnlyFans or AdmireMe page, it’s easy to think that you’re giving your subscribers great value for their fee, because, for example, $10 sounds reasonable for e.g. 100 pieces of content, right?

Well, kind of, but once a sub has seen this content a few times, in many cases they won’t continue their subscription just to get access to old content that they’ve seen over and over. It’s the same in the professional porn industry – you don’t see production companies stop making content once they’ve built up a nice portfolio. New content is always the key to entice people to come back and pay for more, and as a premium content creator, that is what you need to do to keep subscribers paying month after month, after month.

The main complaint that subscribers often have about premium content creators is that a model they are subscribed to doesn’t post often enough, and then when they do, it’s underwhelming content. There’s nothing worse than paying $10-20 a month, and then only getting a couple of nipple pictures per month for that price. This will just lead to mass unsubscribing over time.

What type of content should I upload to my OnlyFans / AdmireMe?

It might sound daunting to upload multiple times per week, but what you’ve got to realise if you want to be successful on OnlyFans is that this is your job, or at least part of it – so you have to dedicate the time into creating enough new content.

Whilst multiple uploads per week might sound like a lot of time and effort, it doesn’t even need to consume too much time – not everything needs to be a complex, long video for example. This leads us on to the following…

Get multiple pieces of content out of one shoot

One good trick to increasing how much content you can get out of one shoot is to take photos from your shoot, and also a video(s) too.

Now it depends on what type of content you are selling, but if for example you’re shooting a sex scene, take some photos of your outfit, some photos of you naked, some photos of you in sexual positions – then film the sex.

This way you can post photos throughout the week saying:

“Who’d like to see what I got upto after I’d taken this off? Full video coming later in the week!”

…or a photo of you with your hands down your panties saying something like “I had a lot of fun tonight! I’ll post the full video on Sunday!”

The possibilities are endless, and much of it depends on what sort of content you are making generally, but if you’re making videos then it should be easy enough to take some teaser photos to build up the anticipation before releasing the full scene.

You could even break up a scene into multiple videos that get posted separately, for example a short video of you playing with your breasts, and then another short video of you playing with your dildo. Just be creative, and you’ll be able to get maximum use out of one shoot.


 Should I post photos or videos to my OnlyFans?

Generally speaking, a mix works perfectly as mentioned above. Buyers love to see multiple pieces of content per week, but most won’t expect every piece to be a well executed, long video. You can use photos to bulk out your upload frequency, and then use videos as often as possible on top of that to really provide the value.


How long should my video uploads be on OnlyFans?

When posting a video, it seems like 1-3 minute videos are popular so this should be the standard sort of length that you should aim for predominantly. That’s not to say every video needs to adhere to this, however. Buyers will also appreciate quick 10 second cheeky videos sometimes too, particularly when it’s instead of a photo, meanwhile the odd 10 minute clip will no doubt be vastly appreciated by your fans too! 1-3 minutes could be seen as ‘the sweet spot’ though.


Can you schedule content on OnlyFans?

The great news is that OnlyFans lets you schedule your uploads so that you don’t have to always be available on any given day to do it. This can help you to be more efficient with your time, since you could make all of your content for the week in one day, and then schedule the uploads across multiple days to keep your account active even on days where you are too busy! We’d definitely suggest making use of this feature, especially if you’ve found it difficult to dedicate the time to posting regularly.


Did you find this article useful? If so, please remember to share it with any of your content creator friends who might be interested in reading it too!

If you are a creator who is looking for another site like OnlyFans, we recommend checking out our review of AdmireMe – a site that is owned and operated by a famous British creator.


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